Chapter no 2 Homeostasis MCQs test class 10th biology

1) Maintaining sugar level is the example of ________

A) positive feedback b) negative feedback c) Both a and b d) none of these

2) sweet glands are present in________

A) hypodermis b) epidermis c) dermis d) all of these

3) sweat consists of __________

A) salt b ) water c) urea d) all of these

4) Blood arterioles are present in ________

A) dermis b) hypodermis c) epidermis d) a.o.t

5) ______plants have reduced stomata

A) hydrophytes b) mesophytes c) xerophytes d) halophytes

6) Malpighian tubules are present in ________

A) cockroaches b) planaria c) earthworm d) human

7) the removal of malfunctioning organ with healthy one is called_______

A) dialysis b) transplant c) lithotripsy d) n.o.t

8) which one is not the part of nephron

A) pelvis b) Malpighian body c) p.c.t d) loop of henle

9) plant grow in salty areas are ________

A) hydrophytes b) xerophytes c) mesophytes d) halophytes

10) lithotripsy is used in______process

A) renal surgery b) renal stone c) dialysis d) a.o.t

11) ________ collects urine inside kidney

A) ureter b) urethra c) pelvis d) bladder

12) the outer part of kidney is called_______

A) cortex b) medulla c) pelvis d) none of these

13) water absorption is controlled by ________harmone

A) aldesterone b) oxytocin c) anti diuretic harmone d) adrenaline

14) ________is not the secondary product of plant

A) mucilage b) latex c) gums d) water

15) guttation occurs during _______

A) absence of transpiration b) night time c) humidity d) a.o.t

16) the jnner red part of kidney is _______

A) cortex b) medulla c) pelvis d) none of these

17) the functional unit of kidney is_________

A) neuron b) nerves c) nephron d) n.o.t

18) the main component of kidney stone is________

A) uric acid b) ammonia c) urea d) calcium oxalate

19) epidermis contain_____protien

A) mayoglobin B) carentin C) keratin d) none of these

20) _______plants have broad leaves and more stomata

A) hydrophytes b) mesophytes c) xerophytes d) halophytes


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