Chapter 1 Gaseous Exchange MCQs test class 10th biology


1 The opening of larynx is known as a

a) epiglottis b) Thyroid c) thalamus d) glotis

2 Trachea has ___________________s­haped cartilaginous rings

a) stone.       b) B.          c) C.        d) D

3 cartilaginous rings prevent trachea from

a) shrinking b) contracting c) collapsing. d) A.O.T

4 In thelower part of thorax, lies a sheet of muscles called____________

 A) phragm b) biphragm c) diaphragm d) N.O.T

5 Each lung is wrappedin two_______ membranes.

a) peritoniam b) pericardium c) pleural d) cell membrane

6 Photosynthesis is an/a _____________ process

a) anabolic b) catabolic c) metabolic d) both a and c

7) Synthesis of food from simple,inorganic substances, is known as______ 

a) photorespiration b) photosynthesis c) respiration d) A.O.T 

8) ______serves as the respiratory medium of the protozoa

 a) peritoniam b) pericardium c) pleural d) cell membrane

9) An increase surface forgaseous exchange allows a____rate of diffusion a) Faster b) Slower c) moderate d) n.o.t

10) Each alveolus is the respiratory surface. It's a pouch like microscopic structure made up of only__________ layer of cells.

 a) two b) one c) three d) four

11) Which of the following is not the part of air passage way__________ 

a) trachea b) nasal cavity c) bronchi d) oesophagous

12) Like aballoon, lungs can be filledwith a maximum amount of___liters of air

 a) 7 b) 8 c) 5 d) 4

13) During expiration________co­¬ntracts

A) lungs b) intercoastal muscles c) diaphragm d) both b and c

14) Which of the following is not the single layer structure

a) Alveolus b) capillary c) veins d) all of these

15) _____tube goes through the mouth and the trachea

A) entotracheal b) exotracheal c) endotracheal d) ecotracheal

16) Amount of oxygen in expired air is:

a) 21% b) 15% c) 17% d) 16%

17) No. of bronchi in the air passage way are:

23) a) 4 b) 3 c) 2 d) 1

18 in human which process occurs in alveoli?

a) Gaseous Exchange b) Nutition c) Tranport d) Reproduction

19) For gaseous exchange the leaf and young stems have in their epidermis: 

a) Guard cells b) Lenticels c) Stomata d) Companion cell

20) which disorder of lungs does result in the formation of abnormal cells growth in lung

a) emphysema b) bronchitis c) asthma d) Lungs cancer


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