Enzymes mcqs

1) The optimum temperature of an enzyme is _______
A) 37 °F    b) 37 °C    c)  45°C    d) 25°C

2) _______enzyme digest proteins
A) renin b) pepsin c) trypsin d) both b and c

3) the site where enzyme react with substrate is called __________
A) reactive site b) substrate site c) active site d) none of these

4) key and lock model was given by _______
A) koshland b) fisher c) hackel d) none of these

5) optimum point shows the ________performance of an enzyme
A) moderate b) minimum c) maximum

6) at zero temperature the rate of reaction of enzymes is __________
A) slow b) moderate c) faster d) none of these

7) the reactions in which molecules are formed are___________
A) catabolism b) anabolism c) reduction d) a.o.t

8) enzymes are made up of __________molecules
A) proteins b) organic  c) inorganic d) a.o.t

9) the substance which decreases the activity of enzyme are called _______
A) activators b) reducer c) inhibitors d) n.o.t

10) Which one is True about Enzymes.
A) Fibrous proteins b) Increase activation energy c) No effect on end products D) Non specific on nature

11) Most enzymes work at ___ pH.
a) Acidic b)Alkaline
c) Slightly alkaline d) Slightly acidic

12) ________is the example of intracellular enzyme
A) pepsin b) trypsin c) lipase d) ATPase

13) if the temperature increases above 45°C the activity of enzyme will________
A) increase b) decrease c) no effect d) all of these

14) catabolism is a _____process
A) constructive b) distructive c) metabolic d) both b and c

15) Active site continuously changes it shapes until the substrate do
not bind to it, is statement of.
(a) Induce fit model (b) Lock and key model
(c) Fluid mosaic model (d) Both “a” and “b”

16) In the human body there are more than __________ known enzymes.
A) 100 b) 1000 c) 10000 d) 10000

17) Activity of enzymes can be enhanced by ___________.
A) activators b) reducer c) inhibitors d) n.o.t

18)  Extreme changes in pH can cause enzymes to _________
A) work faster b) denatured c) become inactive d) n.o.t

19) ________is  not the example of extracellular enzyme
A) pepsin b) trypsin c) lipase d) ATPase

20) organic part attached to enzyme is called_______
A) co-factor b) apo-enzyme c) co-enzyme d) n.o.t


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