Nutrition class 9th mcqs || mcqs test


Chapter no 8th nutrition

1) A) Where are villi present
A) stomach b) small intestine c) large intestine d) mouth

2) in oral cavity food is changed into_______
A) chyme b) chyle c) bolus d) n.o.t

3) downward movement of food through alimentary canal is called____
A) persitalsis b) churning c) emulsification d) absorption

4) breakdown of fats into fat droplets 
A) persitalsis b) churning c) emulsification d) absorption
5) which of the following is present in chlorophyll
A) magnesium b) chlorine c) iron d) all of these

6) cardiovascular means disorders of________
A) heart b) veins c) arteries d) all of these

7) the disorder caused by no absorption of water in colon is called_______
A) constipation B) Diarrhea c) dysentery d) ulcer

8) which disorder is caused by deficiency of vitamin D
A) rickets b) osteomalacia c) both of these d) none of these

9) bile is the product of ______
A) liver b) stomach c) pancreas d) none of these

10) _____is not present in stomach
A) HCl b) pepsin c) trypsin d) a.o.t

11) absorption of water and salts takes place in_______
A) small intestine b) large intestine c) oral cavity d) stomch
12) digested is completed in_________
A) small intestine b) large intestine c) oral cavity d) stomch

13) absorption of digested food occurs in_______
A) duodenum b) jejunum c) ilium d) none of these

14) the in which one is harmed and other gets benefits
A) parasitic b) holozoic c) saprophytic d) all of these
15) the mineral required to Avoid goiter
A) calcium b) chlorine c) iodine d) iron

16) the vitamin important of vision is _______
A) vitamin a b) vitamin b c) vitamin c d) vitamin d

17) lack of iron cause ________
A) loss of haemoglobin b) loss of O2 c) anemia
D) all of these

18) lacteals present in vilus absorb_______
A) amino acids b) glucose c) fatty acids d) glycerol e) both c and d

19) gastric juices convert the food into cream like called
A) chyle b) chyme c) chybe d) n.o.t

20) the grinding/mastication of food is done by_________
A) saliva b) teeth c) tongue d) a.o.t

21) the enzyme present in inactive form in stomch is called_____
A) pepsin b) pepsinogen b) trypsin d) trypsinogen

22) the disorder which is caused by the increase of acidity in stomch
A) ulcer b) diarrhea c) constipation d) n.o.t

23) ORS is recommended in _____
 A) ulcer b) diarrhea c) constipation d) n.o.t
24) dietary fibers are advised to take in_________
A) ulcer b) diarrhea c) constipation d) n.o.t

25) amoeba follows the ______mode of nutrition
A) parasitic b) holozoic c) saprophytic d) none of these
Test written and conducted by Syed Ali BS zoology m.phil entomology


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